Global List
All problems start from this list. Over time, they are moved to the topic-wise list if revealing the topic is not a spoiler for the problem. If it’s a spoiler, it’s moved to the secret topic.
The current problems in this page are the ones that I’ve solved but haven’t yet had the time to segregate. Do not assume them to be educational. However, all problems in the topic wise list are properly reviewed.
- Flip Flop Sum
- Line Trip
- Chip and Ribbon
- Add, Divide and Floor
- Halloumi Boxes
- StORage room
- Theofanis’ Nightmare
- Begginer’s Zelda
- Least Product
Problems that I’ve solved, which are good for testing your skills, but doesn’t contain enough educational material.
These are the problems that were shared with me, but I haven’t attempted them personally yet.
XOR Minimization (Shared by aryanc403
Smaller Sum : Merge Sort tree, but easy version present on CF Step.
Highest Ratio : Convex Hull / Graham Scan
Leaf Color : DP + Small to Large Trick.
Count Paths : DP + Small to Large Trick.
Sugoroku 5 : Create Easy Version